Situation monitoring system
Prompt making of the right management decision is a daily objective of an executive. However, the decision may not be correct if it is based on the restricted amount of information only. The monitoring of the entire business and any related sectors allows increasing the accuracy of the management decision. To that end precisely, a new class of programs – situation monitoring system (SMS) was developed in order to simplify the information processing by an executive.
Key SMS objectives:
R-Techno has been a provider of a unique software – the Trend Situation Monitoring System for many years. The Trend Situation Monitoring System is designed for assessment of the object status by comparison of its current descriptions with the analog of a situation in question (image comparison method).
Functional program capabilities:
Key SMS objectives:
- collection of information from the specified sources;
- information processing and accumulation;
- assessment of the current situation;
- forecast of the situation development for the nearest future;
- situation modeling.
R-Techno has been a provider of a unique software – the Trend Situation Monitoring System for many years. The Trend Situation Monitoring System is designed for assessment of the object status by comparison of its current descriptions with the analog of a situation in question (image comparison method).
Functional program capabilities:
- The assessment of the research object crisis status allows evaluating the current status of the object and identifying the trends in its further development. The results of such an assessment are presented in the form of an analytical report, containing:
- automated conclusions on the current status of the object and identified trends in its further development;
- diagrams, which visualize and confirm the automated conclusions;
- statistics of publications about the object, specifying the intensity of publications by the time gaps and individual issues (in tables and diagrams);
- selection of the publications in the annotated and full text form used for the assessment of the object status (group of objects).
- The determination of the object rating regarding the standard situation allows assessing the status of different objects regarding some situation.
- The map of the Russian regions – situation monitoring of the set problems by means of cartographic presentation of the results at the level of regions.